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We will keep you in the loop with the emergency water restrictions as we get more information.

Yesterday we received an emergency notice from our water delivery company. (It was formerly called Canyon Lake Water System, then San Jose, and now Texas Water Company.) 

Here is what happened. Their final holding tank before our City system is the "Stallion Tank" -- the big blue one several miles south of town on US 281 in front of Stallion Estates. That tank serves two subdivisions as well as the City of Blanco.

That tank is supposed to be maintained at a level near 20 feet. Yesterday it dropped to 3 feet, climbed back to 5 feet, then this morning is back to 3 feet. If it loses water completely, then our City holding tanks will start to drop, and that would be very bad.

We are informed that a combination of factors has led to this. First, of course, is the drought. Second, they had a break in a line, which we understand they have fixed. Third, one of their filters broke and is offline. They have others, so this does not affect our water quality, but it does reduce their capacity to process the volume of water we need.

We are hopeful this will be fixed quickly, and full service restored. We will notify you and remove the emergency restrictions as soon as possible. 

Till then, while it is a hardship, please stop ALL outdoor water use. We are all in this together, and if we do this, we should be able to make it through this temporary situation without having to resort to more drastic measures.

Here is a link to the notice from Texas Water Company.  https://www.txwaterco.com/service-alerts/2023-06-28-emergency-watering-stage-indoor-use-only-areas-north-canyon-lake-spring